Thursday, February 25, 2010

Bad Poetry . . .

It's short,
Only four letters long.
It takes a mere second to see,
And is passed over uncaringly.
Did you ever care to notice what the four little letters meant?
They all stand for something,
We can't live without.
For each person its different,
It's something else.
"L" could be love,
Person or thing.
Something that caught your attention once,
And has haunted you ever since.
It could be long
For the years a head,
Or the time you wish you had.
"I" for imagination,
The things you saw and heard.
The magic that made yours worth living,
The things no one else.
It could be for you,
The things you missed,
But wish had been.
"F" for freedom,
The blessing of choice.
The things that made you,
good and bad.
It could be for flat,
boring and wide.
If you didn't even try.
"E" for everything combined,
The people you met,
The ones who lied.
The few that you remeber,
Changed your life forever.
The feeling of dying,
While grasping for life,
The memories and images you'll leave behind.
It's short.
Just a four letter word.
Four important letters,
Making people who they are.
Don't just lay it down,
Make it something to be proud of.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Movie Quote of the Week

Here we go again :D
"He was on the bus this morning, he TRIED TO KILL ME."

Friday, February 19, 2010

Very Bad Poetry (No Seriously, It's Bad)

Of Course I'm Out of My Mind - It's Dark and Creepy There
Everywhere I goes, even in my own home, the Party watches me through telescreens.
For I may be a secret memeber of the Brother - the mysterious, legendary group that works to overthrow the Party.
It's gonna be totally awesome,
and usually loose or irregular in measure.
My friends are cooler than giraffes,
And giraffes, they're cool.
But they're making me choke,
And I thought I was broke.
The turning signal revealed my plans,
Now the enemy knows where I am.
They're coming to take me away,
HA - HA.
My favorite # in the alphapbet
Is purple.
Bright as the night,
Powerful as the smallest life.
Molds and fungus,
Spores and pods,
Science of the gods.
Life is short,
Don't lay it down,
I'd rather live the life of a clown.
But, of course,
I'm out of my mind.
Who'd wanna be there anyway?

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Movie Quote of the Week

Here we go again!
"There's a guard." "I'll go snap his neck."

The Impulse

Male: HOW, in the name of all things good and holy, DID I GET HERE?
Female: All will be revealed if you're patient.
M: WILL BE?? WILL BE?? I WANT ANSWERS NOW!! The last thing I knew I was climbing into my bed, in my apartment, and then this man came out of the shadows, scaring the CRUD outta me - by the way - and said, 'Your life is about to chance for the better.' WHAT IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?!
F: You were brought here for a reason. This is the way it was meant to be.
M: You can't just SIT there and tell me this is how its supposed to be!!! I've never been here before, it looks like I'm in one of those HORRIBLE Jane Austen books, and believe me, that is the last place in the universe, heaven earth or hell for that matter, that I want to be. If you can't tell me why, then tell me HOW!!
F: They summoned your soul, just like mine.
M: Oh great, so now I have a soul . . . wait, does that mean I am just a soul right now? You mean to tell me that my girlfriend will come in tomorrow morning and just find my unconscious body laying there? I do NOT want to wake up in the ER!
F: No, your body was dissolved when you were called.
M: I - I - DISSOLVED?!?!!? HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO GET BACK? Can I go back to waking up in the ER? Wait - did you say that you were 'called' here too?
F: You'll go back when you're ready, no you can't wake up in the ER, and yes I was called too.
M: So we're in the same boat?
F: Unfortunately.
M: Well - I *sits down next to her* I - didn't mean to explode at you - I didn't realize . . .
F: Save your breath, you're just the same as everyone else who has come.
M: There were more? *F nods* Suckers . . . anyway, how come they're gone? Shouldn't you have been the first in line to leave? You're not a criminal are you? Talking to you won't endanger my life will it?
F: *exasperated* Yes, there were more, and it was their time to move on. No, it doesn't work like that. No, last time I checked I was not a criminal, and the answer to that question depends on if you manage to piss me off or not.
M: *gulp* So noted . . . so if this isn't resolved by order, how do I get out of here?
F: It's something you have to figure out for yourself.
M: You seem to have it down.
F: I've been here for a century at least, if I didn't have it figured out I'd be an insult to the stupidest of our race.
M: A CENTURY? I can't be here that long! I have a girlfriend, and a steady job -
F: We both know that that 'girlfriend' is just as fictional as you seem to think this place is, besides, you despise your job.
M: How do you know that?
F: I know how it works, they're always different, but they're never involved with someone, and they usually hate their life.
M: I had a great life, I lov- *cuts off at a pointed look from F* . . Yeah, you're right my life sucks.
F: And that's why you're here.
M: I don't get it.
F:You have to figure it out for yourself.
M: Wouldn't me asking you to educate me count as finding out for myself?
F: *looks directly into M's eyes, he leans back, surprised* Valid point.
M: Well then, why don't you tell me why - Woah . . .
F: What?
M: Your eyes are gorgeous. I didn't notice until just now, but they're beautiful. Just like the morning sky but with st- *smacks hand over his mouth, she just stares at him expectantly*
F: You were saying?
M:I don't know - I was about to ask you why we're here, and then I really saw your eyes for the first time, my mouth got away from me, I'm sorry.
F: No - no, continue, we're actually getting somewhere.
M: So I'm just supposed to sit here and tell you how your eyes reflect the sky, with every star, and how your hair is so smooth and full of luster, how your beautiful skin seems to glow, and how- *smacks hand over mouth, yet again* sorry, you're just - well, beautiful. I've never met anyone quite like you. *hits himself on head* I'm sorry I don't EVER think like this let alone speak about it.
F: *shakes head* No, no, that's the point! We're here to find our other halves.
M: *looks down at himself* Last time I checked, I was never cut into halves.
F: No, like soul mates. Our one and only TRUE match.
M: I got whisked across the universe to some fairy princess land that I've never even dreamt about, find out that my body has been dissolved, to find my soul mate? Haven't you guys heard of those Internet dating sites?
F: Hey, I'm not the one running this operation, that's just how it is.
M: Well, you think they would have found yours sooner. Its been a full century hasn't it?
F: *eyes shining* Yeah, but I always knew someone would come along. They don't just pull us out for no reason . . .
M: You know? I think I love you.
F: I -
M: I honestly meant everything I said, I'd help you adjust to this century perfectly!
F: I -
M: You could live with me in my apartment, I've got a job -
F: I -
M: - money for food -
F: I -
M: - and we can go from there, and - *F clams hand over his mouth*
F: You really need to learn to shut up, you know? *smiles* I love you too.
*They dissolve into faded out lines, floating off in the mists surrounding them, to wake up in his apartment, hand in hand, ready for a completely new life*
Fantasy or Not?

Friday, February 12, 2010

2 AM Movie Review

Since I work at a movie theatre, I get to screen the movies the night before they came out. I saw Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince two days before it 'came out,' and Sherlock Holmes on Christmas Eve. These little blurps will be my movie reviews after seeing them midnight the night before.
This week's is 'Pery Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief,' based on Rick Riordan's best selling childeren's series. I am a huge fan of the books, so I was scared that the plot line from the books would be mutilated (i.e. Harry Potter 3-6, and I'm sure to be 7). When I found out that Chris Columbus was directing it, I found new hope. He is usually really good at respecting the original book in the book based movies (i.e. Harry Potter 1 and 2). I approved of almost all of the casting - I don't like Pierce Brosnan, so I did not think he would make a good Chiron, trainer of heros.
I'll have to say that, granted - it was 2 o'clock in the morning, I was strangely pleased with the way the movie turned out. It had the same basic plot line of the book: Percy finds out he is a Half-Blood, is accused of stealing Zeus's Thunderbolt, goes to clear his name and save his mother, and ends up victoriously returning the stolen property. So what they did in the book was correctly portrayed in the movie - it's how they did it that changed. Unlike the most recent Harry Potter movies, they accomplished what they were doing in a plausable way. It was all in line wth the basic Greek Mythology, and they made sure they had everything they needed for the sequels. The CGI's were really good, and the entire movie was action packed!
I definitly reccomend it!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Just My Luck. . .

School was out - for the day. The school year would be over in two days, but today was over and that was cause enough to celebrate. Since I was with two of my best friends, Tai and Elle, we made up three-fourths of the backbone of the schools stage crew: The Little Women. Lily, the fourth we were missing, had a family thing to be at so she couldn't come; we missed her, but that didn't stop us from enjoying ourselves.
We were crusing down a back road, blasting random music for the whole world to hear through the open windows. I was driving my beat up old car, Denton (a.k.a. Dent), with my left foot hanging out the window; completely and totally relaxed, with my Venti Chocolaty-Chip Frap in my right hand (the left hand was on the steering wheel). If we weren't the sublime picture of teenaged paradise, I don't know what is.
A sound as loud as a gunshot went off just out side my window. I'm pretty sure I screamed, but I know I know I was hyperventilating. I snapped my foot back inside the car, and gripped the steering wheel so tightly that my knuckles turned white. Elle, in the back seat, fell over with a loud and high pitched scream. My car began to rock back and forth, and she began to cry she was laughing so hard. Instinctively, I pulled my car off to the side of the road, and continued to breathe heavily as I tried to shut the over-powering panic in my head down. I looked back toward Elle to make sure that no harm had come to her; thankfully, the only issue seemed to be that she was having trouble breathing through her infectious laugh. I tried, and failed again, to calm my nerves as I turned to check on Tai, who hadn't made a sound. Unsuprisingly, her in-control personality kept her from being able to truly freak out, and she just looked at me with a completely straight face.
"You just blew a tire," she said in her characteristic 'matter-of-fact' tone.
Then the whole world made sense.
Her logic acted as the wrecking-ball to the hard wall of fear my mind had put up, and I felt my head fall forward onto my steering wheel as I broke down in silent laughter.
"We're going to need to change the tire," Tai said slowly, as if I was a little child that didn't fully understand the situation.
"I get it, I get it," I replied between gasps of laughter. "Please tell me one of you knows what to do."
"Do you have a spare?" Elle asked.
I merely shrugged, cars are NOT my area of expertise.
Elle rolled her eyes and opened her door, "Pop the trunk, we'll see."
I pushed the button and watched the trunks lid open in my review mirror. Then I went to join Elle and Tai as they began looking for something I didn't think was there. To my suprise, Elle pulled the bottom layer of the trunk out and revealed a spare tire, thank heaven SHE knew my car.
"Okay, now we need a jack. . ." said Tai looking at me expectantly.
"Thats one of those things that raises the car up right?"
She nodded.
"I don't know where it would be, even if I had one," I replied.
"We're in my ward boundries, let me call my bishop, he lives right there," Elle said pointing as she pulled out her phone.

Tai and I waited, watching the road as she called. Three cops drove by before she got off.

"His daughter is coming with their jack," she reported as another cop drove by.

"You would think that three apparently helpless girls off to the side of the road with an obviously damaged car would be enough to make a cop stop," I said, then looked at Elle, "Thats the fourth one that has passed."

"Are you serious?" she asked shocked.

"Yeup," I said as we watched a flatbeded firetruck drive up behind poor old Dent. "I never liked cops."

Tai instinctively put herself between us and the truck, seeing as we had no idea who was going to get out of it, I was greatful. A tall man jumped out, he had his fireman's uniform on so my inital suspicion died away.

"You girls need some help?" he asked.

Elle stepped forward, careful not to pass Tai, and said, "We blew a tire, and we have a spare, but we don't have a jack."
"Well, I can help you change the tire," he said, "but I don't have a jack on me either."

Honestly! I remember thinking, four cops, none of them stops, then we get a firefighter without a jack! This is JUST my luck.

I fought back a laugh, and Elle said, "We've got someone bringing one. . ."

Right then, a small silver car pulled up next to us, "Elle? You're the one who needed the jack right?" said a females voice from inside the car.
"Yes! Thank you, Trish!" she said running up to the window. "Where is it?"
"In my trunk," she said, "I think."
I fought the urge to smack my head. I couldn't believe this was happening, I hoped that she actually had the jack.
"It's gotta be here," Trish muttered, rummaging in her trunk, and my heart sank.
I glanced at the fireman, it seemed like he was supressing a smirk. Jerk.
"Oh wait! It's in my garage!" Trish exclaimed. "I'll be right back I swear."
Tai, Elle and I made eye contact as she jumped into her car and sped back down the street, and we couldn't hold it in. We busted up again, cluthing our sides as our hiliarity spilled out.
"Shouldn't you three be in school?" the fireman asked.
"It got out early today," I explained. "It's the last week."
"Nice," he said, "I'm going to check for a jack in my car again, just in case."
He went back to his car, and we all busted up all over again.
"It is just my luck that this would happen to us," I said.
"Yeah, gosh Jo, you went and ruined our perfectly good day with your cruddy luck," Elle said.
"It isn't ruined, we still have our Starbucks, right?" Tai said, taking a sip from hers. "Besides, we've laughed more today than any other this week."
"We've laughed?" I asked, teasing. "Elle and I definitly have, all I remember from you is a straight faced 'You just blew a tire,' that sure included a lot of laughing."
"One of us needs to be level headed," Tai argued happily. "You should have seen the look on your face! You were absoloutely terrified!"
"I thought I had just heard a gunshot! And then my car started rocking back and forth, I didn't know what to think!" I cried defensively, which only made Tai laugh harder.
Trish's silver car pulled up next to us again, and she jumped up clutching what must have been the jack.
"Here we are," she said, proudly holding it out as the fireman came back from his truck.
He took one look at it and his brow furrowed slightly. "I don't think you have all of the pieces."
"It's gonna work though," he said, gently taking it from her and going to work on Dent. We watched, feeling compelely useless as he removed the popped tire and replaced it.
"There you go you guys," he said turning back towards us. He handed Trish the jack.
"Thank you so much, sir," I said, "We would have been here forever if you haddn't stopped."
"I could have done it if you'd had a jack," Tai mumbled under her breath.
I just laughed and waved our helpers off as they drove away. Elle, Tai and I got back into Dent and continued cruising down the road like nothing had happened.
You just gotta love my luck.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Where'd I get the necklace? Well. . .

It's a widely known myth that when the clasp of your necklace comes forward that someone is thinking about you. The very thought makes the high school girls, the exact group I've made fun of on numerous occasions I might add, melt down from the inside at the idea. Despite that fact, I couldn't help smiling when my fingers found the clasp as they were fingering the thick golden chain that hung around my neck. In my own defense, this necklace has its own story, it has a special significance.
I'm a senior in high school, with a job and different responsibilities, but I am still a little kid at heart. I am a huge Disney fan; I've gone to Disneyland almost every year of my life. Each trip I've bought at least one of those collectible pins, and now I have so many that I had to buy a sweater to fit all of them. You can get all different kinds, movie or ride based. I'm partial to any of the Pirates of the Caribbean themed pins, probably because my older brother, Nicolas, could do an uncanny Jack Sparrow impersonation, and he was my role model in more ways than one. Anyway, a couple years ago I was lucky enough to find a pin of the Cursed Aztec Medallion. At the time, it was probably my favorite pin, and I made sure to point it out to everyone who stopped me to admire my jacket, because it is a sight to behold, if I do say so myself.
So when I wore the jacket into work, I made sure to point it out to every single one of my coworkers.
"Hey! I have one of those necklaces," said Damon, one of my best friends, when I pointed it out to him.
"That is so awesome! I wanted the necklace, but my dad wouldn't let me buy it," I said jealously.
"That sucks," he said with a small smile and a shrug.
I tried keeping my knees from buckling as the smile melted away at the edges of my heart.
At that point, I was just happy to have a reason to talk to the guy. I was - okay, okay, am - pathetic enough to focus on that small tidbit of conversation until we worked together again, two days later. I walked in and he was already behind the counter. He smiled when I walked in, and I couldn't help my mad rush to the break room so that I could clock in and talk to him (so the managers couldn't get mad at me for distracting anyone 'on shift).
I let myself into the stand and found him around the corner. He was helping a couple of the guests, so I began to help him gather the order of popcorn and a soda. Once they cleared out he turned to me and smiled.
"Jo, I've got a present for you!"
"Wha -?"
"Just wait here, I'll be right back," he said before turning toward the break room and pushing through the door.
I strained my ears, desperate for some hint at what he was going to do. When I heard the door open again I closed my eyes so as not to ruin the surprise.
"Oka- Jo, why are you closing your eyes?" he asked, and I could hear the mocking smile stretch across his face.
"You said it was a present," I said. "I didn't want to ruin the surprise!"
"You're . . . special, Jo," he said laughing. "Open your eyes."
I had to blink to get my contacts into the right place on my eyes; even then , I couldn't help gasping in surprise when I saw what he was holding out to me. He had the Aztec Gold necklace in his hand.
"You can't be serious," I said, trying to hold in my excitement.
"Yeah, I am. I can guarantee you'll wear it more than I ever did," he said, dropping it into my outstretched hands.
His smile grew wider when I just stared at it for a second, vehement joy surging through my veins. I slipped the large faux-gold chain over my head and fingered the medallion.
"Thank you!" I said, trying to keep my voice from shaking. "This is SO cool!"
"No problem, Jo," he smiled.
That is how I got it. He just gave it to me, and I must foolishly admit that I haven't taken it off since. I can't believe I'm admitting this, because I never would have expected it of myself, but whenever I find the clasp of the necklace out front I always see it as Damon thinking about me, instead of that elusive 'someone.' That is why the necklace is significant.

Movie Quote of the Week

Okay, last weeks was Ghostbusters! This week: Here we go -

Monday, February 1, 2010

Movie Quote of the Week

So I'm going to try and remeber to post a movie quote every week. Pretty much, you just need to try and guess what it is from, but please, no cheating via google or any other site :D

Quote Number 1: "Ray, when someone asks you if you are a god, you say YES!"